PT AM/NS Indonesia


06 Nov 2023

Family Gathering 2023

FAMILY GATHERING is one of the company's annual programs that all AM/NS Indonesia employees always look forward to.

This year the Family Gathering was held on Sunday, November 5, 2023 at The Jungle Waterpark, which is located at the foot of Mount Salak and Pangrango Bogor, West Java. A cool mountain atmosphere and clean swimming pool water quality from mountain springs.

Total of participants 1102 persons which consisting of employees and their family members. Transportation by rent bus and the journey takes about 2 hours from our plant. And the event started from 8 AM to 3 PM.

On this occasion, the Safety Wellness team and HSE used this moment to interact with employee families by providing points about SAFETY BEYOND BOUNDARIES in daily activities.

The company provides lunch package and attractive Door prizes such as bicycles, TV, washing machines, gas stoves and dozens of other souvenirs. Musical entertainment from local bands also performed to entertain all the participants, and all the children enjoyed the water rides which had many choices. All activity was runs safely until the program finished.